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2008-10-01 { Sternenhimmel, Sterne, Nein, sterne, stars, quatsch, rand}          2008-10-03 { dued, usability, ease, of, reading, simplicity, least, effective, difference, data, ink, ratio}          2008-10-04 { Color, ain, t, absolute, color, disruption, contrast, context, viewing, eye, fata, morgana}          2008-10-06 { Better, go, enjoy, Josef, Albers, pictures, not, this, digitally, cloned, crap, color, square, dance, abstract, digital, nonsense}          2008-10-07 { Digital, neo, plasticism, la, Piet, Mondrian, Randomized, color, art, neo, plasticism, mondrian}          2008-10-08 { A, fuzzy, RGB, Nothing, against, my, daily, Modernism, color, art, neo, plasticism, mondrian, RGB, fuzzy, dots}          2008-10-16 { Field, Coloring, 1, a, first, approach, to, an, abstract, fictional, art, form, Field, Coloring, The, Naked, Sun}